John Aldridge: I don’t feel that the Manchester clubs and Everton are offended by those who are leaving Liverpool as a coach

30 January 2024, 16:38 | Football
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The ex-forward of the Reds appreciates that Klopp has built a titanic job and taken Liverpool to a new level.

Liverpool's great striker John Aldridge commented on Jurgen Klopp's departure from the Merseyside team.

“I don’t feel at all that the Manchester clubs and the majority of Everton fans are offended by the fact that the coach is leaving Liverpool. I have never seen anything like this in football in life..

This shows how good this people are and how good the city of Liverpool is. This can be seen from the deterioration of other clubs. And it’s quiet, it shows the depth of what this man has done,” Aldridge.

Previously, Klopp stated that he would not deal with the same English club.

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