Juventus will try to sign Sudakov for less than 30 million euros – TMW

29 January 2024, 18:54 | Football
photo football.ua
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The Ukrainian playmaker is still cheering for the Turin giants.

The central player of Donetsk Shakhtar Georgiy Sudakov is still on the transfer list of Juventus Turin. This is reported by TUTTOmercatoWEB.

According to Dzherel, the staff of the “old seniors” would like to turn to the option with the signing of the 21-year Ukrainian already in the summer transfer window.

It appears that Juventus wants to try to arrange the transfer of Sudakov, whose contract with the “Girniki” is leaking in 2028, at least for 30 million euros.

It is likely that earlier the general director of Shakhtar Sergei Palkin publicly stated that the Donetsk club this winter had supported the proposal of Georgiy Sudakov in the amount of 40 million euros.

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