Koval: Problems in the organization of the game, in psychology

27 January 2024, 19:59 | Football
Юрій Коваль, ФК Зоря
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Lugansk Zorya coach Yuriy Koval commented on his team’s defeat in the test match at the training camp against Polish Krakow (0:2).

" Always fight to the end in any situation, it’s always important. Without this passion and without the will to overcome, nothing will be achieved. We just gave everyone the opportunity to play. It hurts after playing the whole match.

A lot of the boys who entered the field in the other half of the team had a lot of playing practice, for various reasons, at the end of that fate. Almost everyone, except Michina, did not play a troubling hour.

Є problems in the organization of the game, in psychology. We are preparing for the renewal of the championship. We wonder what problems there are. There is no disappointment in the result. Є assessment, and the price is the most important at once.

As soon as we are ready, we will continue to get into shape, where we started. There isn’t enough that the team is tired. Ale and mi do not force preparation. There are a lot of matches ahead. We will analyze. Є moments with drive position on the field, selection.

Gulko recovered from microtrauma. There is also micro-distortion in Batagowa. It’s understandable that you can’t attend training camps without injuries..

The stench is too much to miss. Vpevnenі, dial shvidko.

There will be newcomers, obviously. In order to understand the depth of the warehouse, it is necessary to marvel at those who are within us, to the capabilities of the skin. Test matches in order to understand, to understand - with whom you can continue to work, and with whom you can’t,” the club’s press service quotes Koval.

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the match Zorya - Krakowia.

Based on materials: zarya-lugansk.com

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