Official: West Gem hired Calvin Phillips

26 January 2024, 16:42 | Football
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The English superstar will continue his career in the London team.

Manchester City on their official website announced the loan of loanee Kalvin Phillips from West Gem.

It appears that the lease is insured until the end of the production season, financial details will not be disclosed. Phillips could make his debut for the team in the match against Bournemouth, which will be on the 1st. Taking number 11 from the new club.

According to The Athletic, West Gem will take the entire salary of the football player and pay Man City for the loan. The right of the buyer to please has not been transferred.

Phillips' contract with the Mancunians is insured until the end of 2028. In this season, he took part in 10 matches in all tournaments, scoring a goal.

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