Andriy Shevchenko named the key problems of the UAF

25 January 2024, 17:17 | Football
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A candidate for the presidency of the organization presents a power program.

On Thursday, 25 June 2024, the 26th Congress of the Ukrainian Football Association is taking place at Budinka Football in Kiev..

One of the reasons was the announcement of the new president of the Ukrainian Football Association.

The only candidate for this seat is the outstanding football player of the Ukrainian national team and the Italian Genoa Andriy Shevchenko.

Before the start of the voting ceremony, the candidate was given the opportunity to present to the government a program for the development of Ukrainian football in the near future..

One of the points of the material given by Shevchenko was to clarify the key problems of the UAF at the present time.

– distrust of the organization through lack of visibility of activities;

– the number of daily data bases and IT solutions;

– the lack of consistency in the activities of regional associations;

– distrust of the institution of arbitration;

– the presence of a single pyramid of the market;

– weak sponsorship base;

– the existence of a unified methodology for training football players;

– availability of professional clubs for active activities for the development of UPL.

We can guess how long Oleg Blokhin was inspired to give nutritional support to Shevchenko.

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