Ronaldo: Ballon d'Or and The Best award waste authority

21 January 2024, 17:59 | Football
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The Portuguese superstar notes that people's confidence in rising premiums is plummeting.

An-Nasr striker Cristiano Ronaldo commented on Lionel winning the Ballon d'Or and The Best award.

“I have already heard how these organizations operate. Broadly speaking, I was not surprised at the naming ceremony. I respect that the Golden Ball and The Best award give away authority.

This does not mean that Messi, Holland or Mbappe do not deserve credit for them, but I no longer believe in this city.

And not for winning the Globe Soccer Awards. It’s just facts and figures, and don’t lie about the figures. The stench cannot be taken away from me, because it is reality. And there’s nothing to keep me quiet, because numbers are facts,” Ronaldo’s words were directed to Record.

Earlier it became known that Ronaldo won the Globe Soccer Awards as the best football player of 2023 according to fans.

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