Benzema filed a lawsuit against the French Minister of Internal Affairs

17 January 2024, 21:19 | Football
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The French forward of discontent slandered his address to the Minister of Internal Affairs of France.

Al-Ittihad attacker Karim Benzema sues French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin. RMC Sport informs about this.

According to Dzherel's information, the 36-year-old Frenchman made a complaint about the hardening of connections with the international religious-political organization "

The football player's defense team collected documents on 92 pages with 80 supplements.

“We throw people out like this, to hell, only in order to carry out a clever communication trick with inheritances for the football player of his homeland. This is a split in the French marriage. We have too many people who cannot comprehend such roses. Actions include Karim Benzema, and actions feel included through those we are talking about.

It’s worth it for a man who calls himself a politician, who can work for these people,” said Benzema’s lawyer.

It seems likely that Darmanen made a statement lately after Benzema’s public support for Palestine in the military conflict with Israel: “We have closed 1,100 foundations of Islamism, and for many decades And I especially point out Mr. Benzema, who has complex connections with the Muslim Brotherhood..

It was previously reported that Al-Ittihad would not allow Benzema to reach another club for a fee.

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