Petrakov ignored Messi and defeated Goland in the FIFA The Best voting

16 January 2024, 15:14 | Football
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Previously, the ceremony of awarding football awards for the 2023 FIFA The Best bags was completed, with the bags of which the star striker of Inter Miami and the Argentine national team Lionel Messi was recognized as the greatest honoree of the past rock..

According to the regulations, at the time of awarding the prize, the individual successes of football players from the period from April 19, 2022 to September 20, 2023 (ChS-2022 ending on April 18), including in the experiment itself, are considered. captains and coaches of national teams, journalists from various.


 FIFA THE BEST CEREMONY BAGS Ukrainian coach and exkerman of the national team of Ukraine Oleksandr Petrakov, who is a strong supporter of the Virmenia team, also took part in the voting and divided the We are suing for the most recent citizen of 2023 with the upcoming rank, ignoring the Argentine victory:.

Erling Goland (Manchester City);

Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City);

Rodri (Manchester City).

Guess what, it became known earlier that representatives from Ukraine voted for the best player in 2023 in the FIFA The Best version: head coach of the national team Sergiy Rebrov and captain Andriy Yarmolenko.

You can find out more about the results of the voting as soon as possible.

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