Javi: It will be good against Osasuna

11 January 2024, 18:03 | Football
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Xavi calls Barcelona favorites for the Spanish Super Cup final.

“We don’t know Osasuni’s plan, but we do know that he is a talented supernik with a great coach. Stinks can be present in different areas, near the center, along the flanks. This always gives us difficulties. We won fairly at Pamplona, \u200b\u200bbut in La Lisa it cost us a lot.

So, we are respected as favorites for the semifinals, and we respect that this is a sign that Osasuna dominates in many aspects of the game, and it will be difficult for us. “We are not the favorites of the tournament, and even Real Madrid,” says Javi Mundo Deportivo.

In today's semi-final match, Barcelona will play Osasuna. You can beat the bet in the final against Real Madrid.

Based on materials: elmundodeportivo.es

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