Liverpool gave up Fabio Carvalho until the end of his term

10 January 2024, 19:11 | Football
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Gravec spent the first part of the season in Leipzig.

Portuguese attacking striker Fabio Carvalho immediately impressed the head coach of the English Liverpool, Jurgen Klopp, with his presence in the warehouse of the London Fulgham, which allowed him to get to the warehouse of the “reds” for 5.9 million euros.

However, the new team of juniors will not be able to make it to the starting line, after which the club has decided to loan him to the German RB Leipzig for the start of the current season..

The 21st century passed through 15 matches (360 centuries), after which I turned back to England.

All for the purpose of publishing another part of the campaign in a new club for themselves - Gall City, which is currently playing in the Championship.

Tsikavo that Carvalho formed the “tigers” independently, although there were other options in the new.

In the meantime, there has been an official announcement about the transfer of the gravel and we are now in charge of Gall before the end of the production season.

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