Bonucci for a chance to lead Fenerbahce at Euro 2024

08 January 2024, 20:38 | Football
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The Italian defender could become a teammate of Ruslan Malinovsky.

The director of the Berlin Union, Leonardo Bonucci, will continue to fade away his upcoming future. Insider Nikolo Skir reports this on his Twitter..

For information from Gerel, the services of the 36-river Italian of Fenerbahce, who was already in contact with the footballer.

Prote will say that Leonardo himself skims before the transition to Genoa, where the Ukrainian Ruslan Malinovsky enters.

I think it’s Italian, the number of matches in Serie And you can help him turn to the warehouse of the Italian national team for Euro 2024.

It is significant that during the remaining matches Bonucci walked to the main Union warehouse one more time. This year there were 10 matches, each of which scored one goal.

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