Enrique: I don’t care if I’m dissatisfied with the number of game hours

06 January 2024, 23:12 | Football
Енріке, Getty Images
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The head coach of PSG, Luis Enrique, said that he may be dissatisfied with the team’s actions during the game hour that they are expected to. Quotes from the Spaniard RMC Sport.

“If you have a great club, it’s normal, but they don’t play. No more turbo.

I have Vinyatkov’s warehouse, they asked for this. On the skin position two players of high level play. In such a situation, some may not be able to get enough gaming hours. Ale stench looms as much as possible in training sessions.

I understand that the people are dissatisfied, but it’s all the same for me,” Enrique said.

It was previously reported that PSG's central defender Skriniar was out for 3 months due to injury.

Based on materials: rmcsport.bfmtv.com

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