Perez would like to have both Real Madrid and Holland

03 January 2024, 11:05 | Football
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The president of the “Vershkovykh” set his sights on creating a super-zero duet in the attack.

The President of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, wants to join the camp of the “toppers” not only Kilian Mbappe, but also Erling Goland, reports Le Parisien.

TOP 10 transfers that can support the winter transfer market It is unknown if Perez himself plans to reach his goal, or if he tries to sign the Gravits, Real Madrid may do so this winter.

Apparently, Madrid are now close to the transfer of Mbappe, who the club may sign already in 2024.

Apparently, Real Madrid head coach Carlo Ancelotti stated at the press conference that he would not be interested in the potential transfer of the French striker.

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