Schmidt: Everything is going very well for Trubin

30 December 2023, 20:56 | Football
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The Eagles coach shared his thoughts about the performance of Ukrainian Anatoly Trubin.

Benfica head coach Roger Schmidt commented on the victory over Famalican (3:0) in the Portuguese championship, highlighting the great performance of the Ukrainian goalkeeper Anatoly Trubin.

“The skin game is important, but, of course, the completion of the fate overcome is very good for us, especially with such a folded skin. We controlled the game very well. We scored, and then we could control the progress of the game, otherwise we had an important 10-15 minutes. We needed to defend well and we needed a reliable goalkeeper, and then we topped the group with even good goals. Saving dry goals in two matches – this is very positive. By the way, victory was deserved after important work.

We are experiencing a good moment. Throughout the last few years we have worked hard to change the situation. The heroes fight forever, they fight in friendly matches. The rest of our three years were difficult matches, and we were able to win them - this is a good sign. We didn’t have rich graves, and we had the chance to earn songs.

Everything is important in football. It’s important, it’s important to score goals, but you need to protect yourself well. Golovne – tse zakhist. The pipeline is growing more and more, and everything is getting worse. We can always provide insurance for a new one, if necessary..

In general, stability in defense is very important, because it means that you don’t need to score a lot of goals to win matches. As I have already said there are many important things to do, we can still work on the effectiveness of the attack. At the end of the match, we were faced with a number of problems related to the fact that we scored only one goal.

Our game is imperfect, but we can provide insurance for all citizens. For me, this is a good sign, which means that the team is in good shape, as well as those that team spirit is at a high level. The new generation can continue to play this kind of football with this mentality,” the Eagles press service quotes Schmidt as saying..

After 15 games, Benfica scored 36 points and is leading the Portuguese Championship, ahead of Sporting and Porto by two points, while the “Lefts” have a game in hand.

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