Buna Sarr broke his ridges in training

02 December 2023, 18:09 | Football
photo football.ua
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The 31st Senegalese will be killed in the coming months.

Bayern Munich manager Buna Sarr has been unable to help his team for several months. The press service of the club informs about this.

The 31-year-old Senegalese recognized a serious injury in training. After medical release, the football player was diagnosed with a rupture of the anterior cranial ligament of the left knee.

Buna has already undergone surgery and started the renewal process, which will take several months.

Guess what, Sarr moved to Bayern 2020. He couldn't get a foothold in the team - as of this year, 33 matches and one goal scored.

In this campaign, Sarr played five matches, including one assist.

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