Ukrainian football player died in an accident with his family in Poland

24 November 2023, 10:29 | Football
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Pozashlyakhovik gravetsya zatknuvsya with vantazhivka.

Ukrainian Volodymyr Snidanko, a citizen of the Polish MLKS Sudeti z Miedzilesya, died in an accident together with his friend and son, reports the portal sport. fact. pl.

According to the latest data, the driver of the Ford (footballer Snidanko) hit two breakers and fell into one of the ditches. The 37th man himself, his 30th squad and his 7th son died. For information on the local portal doba. pl, without a brother and father, the couple’s other two children were lost.

The team discovered the homelands of the deceased grave. MLKS Sudeti, for which the Ukrainian played, is an amateur club.

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