Ukraine U-19 made a devastating sacrifice to Kosovo

18 November 2023, 21:06 | Football
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Today, on the 18th of leaf fall, the Ukrainian national team continued its journey in the Euro 2024 election cycle.

In another match of the campaign, Oleg Kuznetsov scored a sensational defeat with a score of 0:4 against the Kosovo national team.

At the super team's warehouse, the goals were scored by Buyupi, Rama and Gashiyan, who scored a double.

Ukraine U-19 — Kosovo U-19 0:4.

Goals: Gashiyan, 22, 79, Buyupi, 64, Rama, 90+2.

Ukraine (U-19):

Fesyuk, Ogarkov, Mikhavko, Melnychenko, Gusev, Mykhailiv (Salenko, 46), Vashchenko (Mykytyuk, 46), Kremchanin (Derkach, 46), Manuylov, Tuterov (Panchenko, 71), Ponomarenko (Pishchur.

Kosovo (U-19): Kela, Dobruna, Zekiray, Silay, Kodra (Ibrahimi, 55), Lokaj (Shahini, 83), Milaj, Gerbovci (Rama, 71), Yasari (Talla, 71), Buyupi, Gashiyan (Gashi.

Next: Mihavko - Kodra.

In this way, Ukraine lost first place to the group that gave its election to Kosovo, which has many points. The "

Ukraine will play its next match against Slovaccini. There will be leaf fall on the 21st around 12:00 Kyiv time.

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