Vorskla beat Obolon under heavy rain after the wind alarm

11 November 2023, 23:14 | Football
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The capital team missed the first goal from the penalty spot.

After intense European Cup competitions in the middle of the current year, the moment comes when it is necessary to turn to the right of the national authorities. At the Ukrainian Premier League, we are already close to the equator, so the teams, without much concern, could hit the first pouches on their ledges. And for someone, the stench was even more unpleasant.

If you want to marry the Kiev Obolon and the Poltava Vorskla, if you didn’t remain in the same status before the start of the campaign, because the first ones turned out to be “elite”, and the others obviously flew out of qualification to the European Cups, Prote placed similar places in the tournament table at the beginning of the fourteenth. And despite this, in the team of Viktor Skrypnyk there was one more thing for pride in the last month - the “brewers” \u200b\u200bthemselves were knocked out of the Ukrainian Cup with a single victory in this hour. Also - revenge.

In the match of the 14th round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Vorskla on the road achieved a minimal victory over the capital Obolonya with a score of 1:0.

During the first half, the teams exchanged nasty moments several times, regardless of those who were very angry, as they sank into the grass of the lawn.

It is also important to add that the match started after more than three years of delay due to the widespread anxiety throughout the country through the country-404.

In the other half, the teams’ game became active, not caring about the grass’s texture, especially long-range shots were causing problems..

On the 67th day, the team scored a single goal, when Ibrahim Kane was cut off at the Brewers penalty area. The young referee Kristina Kozorog, for what was her first match in the UPL, indicated the pin, and the penalty was converted by Ruslan Stepanyuk.

However, the team’s goal was to be achieved in a short time before the episode with Sane, the Poltava team’s defender scored everything by fouling the attacking Igor Krasnopira, who literally avoided the goalkeeper every night. However, Capricorn missed the mark, and the VAR system, behind which Dmitro Bondarenko was responsible, also appeared to be ineffective.

After this team there were still few moments to change the numbers on the scoreboard, but here it was not lucky, and here the mastery failed.

Thus, Vorskla scored 18 points and sits in eighth place in the UPL standings, and Obolon has 13 points and 12 rows.

In the upcoming round, Kiev Obolon will play an away match against Oleksandriya, and Poltava Vorskla will host Cherkasy LNZ.

Obolon - Vorskla 0:1 Goal: Stepanyuk, 67 (penalty).

Obolon: Kichak - Fatiev (Nagiev, 88), Lukyanchuk (Chernenko, 88), Karas, Dubko, Osman - Moroz, Priymak, Slobodyan, Kosovsky - Sukhanov (Taranukha, 67), Krasnopir (Grusha, 79).

Vorskla: Isenko - Perduta, Pavlyuk, Krupsky, Kornienko - Chelyadin, Nesterenko (Khripchuk, 87) - Felipe, Kane, Yakubu - Stepanyuk.

Next: Moroz, Fatiev, Priymak - Pavlyuk, Chelyadin.

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