Lunin could be deprived of Real Madrid and ruined to the Bundesliga

11 November 2023, 19:52 | Football
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The Ukrainian goalkeeper highlights a number of clubs from the German championship.

The goalkeeper of Real Madrid and the national team of Ukraine Andriy Lunin may be lost to the Spanish club after the end of his contract. Sport informs about this.

Behind the Jerelle, 24-rib Ukrainian, leaving Rishhennyi Zmіnity Pisli, Yak Kerivnitroy "

The football player's official contract has been extended until the summer of 2024 and Real Madrid have not yet confirmed it to continue.

Nowadays, it is said that the Ukrainians have a contract with Borussia Dortmund and Bayer, and also do not exclude the option of Bayern.

Dodamo, that Lunin will steal the “top” goal in the nearest matches, leaving Kep’s remains through injury.

Real Madrid will play its next match in Valencia. It will be today, the 11th of leaf fall, about 22:00 after the Kiev hour.

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