A Boca Juniors fan puts his hands on himself after defeating the club in the Copa Libertadores final

06 November 2023, 22:42 | Football
photo football.ua
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The young patient was just over 23 years old.

A Boca Juniors fan put his hands on himself after defeating the club in the Copa Libertadores final against Fluminense in the extra hour (1:2). Marca informs about this via Cronica TV.

According to Dzherel, the young patient was just over 23 years old. His name was Marcelo Morales and he worked as a policeman near Buenos Aires.

His dead body was discovered by his mother, who was shocked by the death.

" He said that Boka is the best river.

Sides - tse smittya. Stinks hammered into yogo. I don’t have the infection, and I don’t have the gravity that would determine my sleep. I didn’t think that my son was within reach of the borders of self-destruction.

Many times he told his father: “If Boka doesn’t win, I’ll kill myself.”. We thought it was hot in there. Let young people be aware, let your family think,” Morales’ mother said.

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