Mourinho lets Inter team through suspension

22 October 2023, 21:20 | Football
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Kermanic Romi scored in the match against Monzi.

In the match of the 9th round of Serie A against Monzi, Romy head coach Jose Mourinho took off the red card. In connection with this winter, skip the offensive group of "

According to the words of the journalist Gianluca Di Marzio, the reason for Mourin's dismissal was that he made a crying gesture at the sick Monzi Pessini, who snarled at those who spend a lot of hours to turn the ball.

Due to his suspended disqualification, the Portuguese specialist will be seen from the stands for the 10th round match of the Italian championship between Inter and Roma, which will take place on the 29th.

Guess what, Roma beat Monza thanks to a goal from winger Stefan El-Shaaravi at the end of the match.

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