Ten Gag: Skin game in the Premier League is difficult, especially after international pauses

22 October 2023, 16:28 | Football
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The Red Devils coach shared his thoughts after the game against Sheffield United.

Manchester United head coach Erik ten Gag commented on his team's victory in the ninth round match of the Premier League against Sheffield United (2:1).

" We found a way to overcome, and in this way we will approach this game. The first half was not the shortest from our side, but from the other we controlled the ground and won, scoring an outstanding goal.

Sheffield has a lot of energy, and the stinks played behind the scheme, which we didn’t notice, but just stuck with. We knew that it would be important to play, and that we needed to play better.

You have to fight for the skin point in the Premier League, you have to show yourself the best in the skin game, so that you don’t take anything away just like that. Premier Lisa's skin is important, especially after international breaks.

The princes play with different styles among their squadrons, and then, when they turn around, they need to return to their usual routine.. We were waiting for the first time. Tse bula is not our best gra. We scored a goal, but we need to be more strong and mature in order to lose the game to the game 1:0 and bring the right to the end.

At the break, I said that we need to know a way to overcome, and I think that in the other half we were richly short,” Ten Gaga said to the BBC..

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the match Sheffield United - Manchester United.

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