Dnipro-1 did not survive the match against Veres

07 October 2023, 18:29 | Football
photo football.ua
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Yuri Maksimov’s team is moving forward after a bad start to the season.

Read about the match later on our website.

Dnipro-1 — Veres 2:0 Goals: Filippov, 10, Vovchenko, 31 (authenticator). ) Dnipro-1: Volynets - Adamyuk, Svatok, Sarapiy, Gorbunov (Kaplienko, 60) - Babenko - Gutsulyak (Miroshnichenko, 79), Pikhalonok, Rubchinsky (Vitynyo, 82), Lednev (Pasich, 61) - Phil ippov (Tanchik, 61.

Veres: Past - Gakman, Vovchenko, Kurko, Shevchenko - Kuharuk (C. Sharai, 86), Kucherov (Kucherenko, 78) - Balan, Iago - V. Sharai (Kovalyuk, 46), Shestakov (Marusich, 46).

Next: Sarapiy - Shevchenko.

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