Juventus has the right to terminate Pogba's contract

07 October 2023, 17:40 | Football
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The Frenchman has great unacceptability.

Yesterday it became known that a repeat doping test, after requesting a supplement from the Turin club Paul Pogba, gave a positive result for testosterone.

As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, Juventus has the right to terminate the contract with the Frenchman, as he will be disqualified for at least six months.

In times of maximum punishment, the club can also receive compensation for the excess.

It turns out that until this hour’s disqualification, Pogba was the team’s best-paid employee - his salary was more than a million. euro per river.

The current contract of the French pensioner with the insurance club until 30 cherub 2026.

This season Paul Pogba earned 52 matches for the Zebras.

Previously it was reported about the financial situation of the Turin Juvetus.

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