Postecoglou: Liverpool was my favorite team growing up

30 September 2023, 17:14 | Football
Анге Постекоглу, Getty Images
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As part of the seventh round of the English Premier League, London's Tottenham will host Liverpool.

Tottenham - Liverpool. Spurs head coach Ante Postecoglou's thoughts on the power of the team.

“Like any child, I had tears hanging on the wall in my room. Liverpool is my favorite team. As time goes by, you grow stronger. Everything is changing. I also love Happy Days, but today there are no photos of Fonz on my wall.

I was fascinated by the culture of such a club as Liverpool. I loved reading about this club. Of course, Liverpool at that hour... There was once a unique story about this mythical room for the tactful to occupy, where all the magic was created.

For mene tse bulo maizhe yak reading kazok. It's not enough to pour in. This is the very same life that a young woman feels when we spend our days sitting in our rooms and creating this world for ourselves..

A few of my closest friends supported Manchester United because they would be more successful. I'll take a different route to save interest. At 11 rocks, I jumped every time on the 4th wound, and would like to marvel at the game of Liverpool. Once they beat Tottenham 7:0, which was unforgettable. I still have recordings of that 1978 rock match in boxes on top.. Navishcho? Don't know.

Who were I going to cry about I am God's will of Kenny Dalglish. It was 12 when he moved from Celtic. Vin is an idol for me. When you are a little child, you are looking for heroes, and there is a Fonz. That's how it was for me to sleep!

Now Liverpool are losing an even good team. Obviously, the stench of the past was a little stronger than before, but elements of what the stench really was were always present.

If you immediately marvel at them, Arsenal and Brighton, then there is a plan for how to eliminate the stench. This did not bring them short-term success, but they believed in it and allowed it to grow. Liverpool definitely made money from this.

As for our team, then we’ll take the road to rejuvenate the warehouse. Let's talk about those that the young people know that nothing will happen to them, that they will become essential for their career, as soon as the stink of mercy is released. I support them in any situation.

Part of the stress for the young man lies in the fact that you feel that you need to play very well in order to save your place, and the fear that you will make amends with the whole world, which will result in a catastrophe. Tuvati you what's going on in the distance.

It's not like that. I don’t even feel bad. Let us follow our path and achieve success.

I am trying to create such a structure so that the people of the Grave will be relieved of this unnecessary anxiety, and they can play for themselves.

Stinks call me dad? This, melodiously, is a force before I get dressed. The right accent for us may be on our hairy development. How can we impose our style on Liverpool The more we go through the effort of testing and showing ourselves, the more it gives us confidence to continue walking this path and accelerate growth,” said the Australian Kermanich.

The match Tottenham - Liverpool will take place on the 30th of Wednesday, at 19:30.

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