Ponomariov: We analyzed our plans and are ready for the match against Shakhtar

21 September 2023, 16:46 | Football
Віталій Пономарьов, Рух
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Head coach of Ruhu Vitaly Ponomarov spoke about the team’s preparation before the match against the Donetsk team and the mood of the players after the failure in the match with LNZ.

" This is the leader of Ukrainian football, who represents the country among Liza champions.

A serious competitor, which we are preparing for with maximum concentration and setting high goals for ourselves in this game.

“Girniki” have a lot of reserves, especially since our game is on Saturday, so the team will have enough time to rejuvenate,” the coach is quoted as saying by the official website of the Lviv team.

The fight between Rukh and Shakhtar will take place at the Lviv Arena stadium on Wednesday 23rd. Cob - about 19:00.

Based on materials: fcruhlviv.com

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