Zinchenko: Football is an international language. My duty is to talk calmly about the war and tell people in the world what is h

08 September 2023, 23:50 | Football
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The Ukrainian all-rounder was selected for the EURO 2024 selection ahead of the match against England.

As part of the selection for the final part of EURO 2024, the national team of Ukraine will play against England in their upcoming match.

The attacking defensive player of the “blue and yellow” Oleksandr Zinchenko, who on the club level steals the colors of the London Arsenal in the guise of a “predatory” left defender, having stuck with those Russian-Ukrainian wars before the match with the “three” team oh levіv"

“I thank the Poles for that encouragement that gives a stink to Ukraine and the Ukrainians. I have very close friends in Wroclaw, and I know from them how friendly the Poles are and how eager they are to support this difficult time for us..

Tomorrow I will see a good atmosphere in the stadium and stands in yellow and blue colors. But for us, it’s all the same, the atmosphere will be completely different from what we played in Ukraine. I, obviously, we really want to go back to the house and go home.

Football is an international language. No matter how much we are fond of, we all understand that football is the same as the whole game.. But I try to be present at any given moment and I realize that this is my duty - to calmly talk about the war and tell people in the world what is happening. Golovny, what can I say - we are very grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the fact that we have the ability to represent Ukraine at such a high level.

I’ll turn back a little in the past and remember that if we were still in the youth team, our coach told us that no matter where we saw or where we were behind the cordon, we can remember that we will always be representatives of Ukraine and.

And today, as a gravel who plays behind the cordon, I can constantly reveal and show everything that is happening in Ukraine and how terrible the situation is here due to the war. Because people in this world want to know the truth, and even a lot of propaganda. And this is my cry for myself – tell the truth about what is happening in Ukraine,” said Oleksandr Zinchenko at the hour of the pre-match press conference.

Guess what, the match between Ukraine and England will take place on the 9th of Sunday at 19:00 at Kiev time. On Football. ua online text broadcast of the match will be available.

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