Rebrov: We know why we are here - through those boys and girls who are fighting on the front line for the independence of Ukrain

08 September 2023, 23:07 | Football
Сергій Ребров, УАФ
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As part of the selection for the final part of EURO 2024, the national team of Ukraine will play against England in their upcoming match.

The head coach of the “blue and yellow” Sergei Rebrov shared his impressions of the battle ahead against the “three-left” team and touched upon the Russian-Ukrainian war.

“It’s a pity, more rock is already playing outside of Ukraine. It is our fault to suffer in such a situation. Praises that there will be great support from the side of Ukrainians and Poles. I think the atmosphere at the stadium will be great and football will be heard."

“It’s a pity, there are minor injuries to the football players. Ale mi called out to the 26th Gravians, there are enough of them. The English national team has similar problems.. I have already said that it is our responsibility to respect our opponent, but to emphasize respect on our own game. Regardless of all this poshkodzheniya, it is our fault to show our gro"

" First a fight with England, then with Italy. If I'm not concentrating on this game, we don't care about the points we have to earn in two matches. We can concentrate on the game, we have to earn a maximum of three points, and then we’ll see what happens.”.

" It’s our responsibility to pay attention to our game, and understand how to stand up to your opponent. Over these days we have realized how guilty we are. After all, this is football - you don’t know that tomorrow you will be on the field. It is important for football players to focus on the game and understand their opponent’s weaknesses. Prote England is a very good team. Regardless of personnel problems, she has two or three warehouses. That’s why we’re getting ready very seriously, tomorrow we’ll have to show off our skills.”.

" Having said about the great help on the side of Poland, I also want to remind you that England gave us great encouragement, and will continue to work in such a difficult time for us. Thank goodness, I’m already happy, there’s a lot of compatibility. I am radium, having reached the team at such an opportune hour. Not only me and Oleksandr can feel the same. Kozhen gravets sbіrnoi steadily thinks about Ukraine, we talk about it steadily. We know why we are here in our place - through those boys and girls who are fighting on the front line for our independence. For me, as a coach, it’s easier to teach, and there’s no need to motivate my students.

We clearly know what we are fighting for, understand our goal, and we will get there."

\? Tomorrow we'll do better. I hope that you are ready and willing to play in any position. Vіn grave and right, and left fullback...” - said Sergiy Rebrov during the pre-match press conference.

Guess what, the match between Ukraine and England will take place on the 9th of Sunday at 19:00 at Kiev time. On Football. ua online text broadcast of the match will be available.

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