Mikolenko rose, as the training process changed under Rebrov

05 September 2023, 18:22 | Football
photo football.ua
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The 24th graveyard also declared that he was preparing for the coming igors of the choice.

Leviy defender of Everton and selected Ukraine in a short interview with the UAF rozpovіv, chimneying the training process under Rebrov.

Mykolenko, having announced that for the new head coach, the team began to add more respect for tactics.

" That’s why now there is more respect for tactics and discipline on the field. At the positions, how can we move, move.

We learn and I will learn something new every day, "

Gravets add that the cob of the season at the new one has not seen the best, so it was a little poshkodzhennya, but already in the ranks it feels like we are preparing to the igor zbirnoy.

Mikolenko cares that the mother needs the right plan for the match against England and win yoga.


Matches for Euro 2024 against England and Italy will be held on the 9th and 12th of September.

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