“It was very important morally”: Atalanti’s ex-gravelian shrugged on Gasperin

05 September 2023, 17:06 | Football
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Danish defender of roses, like the head coach of Atalanti, putting himself up to gravity.

Joakim Mele, who changed Atalanta to Wolfsburg, called the head coach of the Italian club to the one who had no freedom there, write Tipsbladet.

Leviy the defender, having declared that Gasperin, having violated everything, there was no real freedom for him.

" It was very important psychologically,” said Mele.

Danets chuckled, if they were hospitalized in a new one, having recognized the guilt of oneself in Atalanta under the cerebration of Gasperin, like a dictator's pidkhid.

" Sometimes, if we had a disciplinary training occupation, having shown that we were obliged to sleep at the training complex, then we could not turn back home, "

Mele is so roaring that Gasperina did not allow youmu and Rasmus Goilund to come to training at once.

" You don't have a lot of money with a coach. Vіn standing and ringing someone at the marvelous. For example, vіn buv razlyucheny, if Rasmus came at once with me by car to training. We don't want to, so we went together. For those who could sit, speak and enjoy themselves. We didn’t want to, and we barked less, if it was for housekeeping with the club, then there was no water in the new (Goylund),” said the Lviv defender of Wolfsburg.

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