Alba having completed his career in the chosen Spain

30 August 2023, 00:56 | Football
Жорді Альба - Getty Images
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Jordi Alba having made the decision to complete his career in the chosen Spain - he has restored one of the main resources of the Marca region.

Yakbi yogo future passed through Europe (yogo wanted to sign the Inter and other clubs), maybe, vin bi continued to perform there. Ale vin went to the USA.

Having become a grave member of Inter z Miami, the football player understands that it is impossible to continue buti pov'azanim from the national team.

The American calendar does not fix on FIFA dates, continuing to play in Spain meant missing a lot of money with your team. The very same vin pobachiv, that the hour has come to clear the way for Balde, Fran Garcia, Guy, Pedrasi.

Kіlka tizhnіv that Jordi Alba having told the federation and coach about his decision. Luis de la Fuente, having always respected the choice of Albi, buve embarrassment, shards of the request, Jordi did not appear much at the selection matches of EURO-2024. Over 90 matches for "

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