Trossard: It's important to say who is the brother of the fight for the title. Liverpool and Chelsea got some good signings

25 August 2023, 16:07 | Football
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Belgium giving a forecast for the season.

Arsenal player Leandro Trossard spoke about the Manchester City championship in the past season and gave a forecast for the current campaign.

" We know how the stench played in the Premier League, but everything lies in front of us. We have a wonderful team, and as a result we can have a plan for the game, and we perform with the highest rank, we throw a viklik. We always want to be with them on equal terms.

Other teams of the Premier League also got stronger.

It is important to say, who is the brother of the fight for the title, because it is the second stage, and in no way can you change, which will be a protracted season.

I think that Liverpool and Chelsea have made some good signings, but we want to win at the skin match, and with such an attitude we are ready to go to the mountains. We marvel at de mi opinimos at the pіdbag"

After two starting rounds at the top of the Premier League Brighton, Man City and Arsenal.

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