Azmoun came to Romi after a call from Mourinho

25 August 2023, 15:37 | Football
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The Iranian striker will become the new member of the Roman club.

Forward of Leverkusen Bayer Serdar Azmun of the second year will become Romy's new grave. Journalist Fabrizio Romano tells about it.

For information from the dzherel, at Friday, 25 April, 28 April, you will be at Rome to pass the medical examination and complete your transition to the camp "

Tse bude rent pleasing with the right to redeem engraving on a permanent basis for 12 million euros.

Fulgem succumbed to the signing of Azmoun, the grave itself came to Romi after the call of the head coach of the Italian team Jose Mourinho.

In the past season, Serdar Azmun had 33 matches in all tournaments (1240 wins), scoring 4 goals and 4 assists in some of them.

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