Yatsik will make his debut in the starting warehouse of Zora in the first match against Slavia

25 August 2023, 00:14 | Football
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Became the starting lineup of teams for the first match of the play-off final of the UEFA Europa League Qualifiers, which will play for Slavia and Lugansk Zorya.

Prazka Slaviya and Luhansk Zorya to announce the duel at the play-off of the UEFA Europa League qualifier on the Eden Areni field.

Їndrzhikh Trpisovsky, at the close of the match-winning match against Dnipro Dnipro-1 (1:1), getting to the starting warehouse Masopusta and Holesha to the trio in the center of the defense, then Shevchik and Provod will play at the defense, and van Buren will turn on the wind attacks.

Nenad Lalatovich, after nothing against Oleksandriya (0:0), won out of Batagov’s first flails in the center of defense, then Yatsik got to the central tricoutnik, and Vantukh played the lion in the attack.

Slavia: Kolarzh - Masopust, Vlchek, Golesh - Doudera, Zafeyris, Shevchik, Provod - Yurasek, van Buren, Schranz.

Reserves: Mandous, Orphan, Tidzhan, Khitil, Usu, Dorli, Borzhil, Gromada, Tomic, Yurechka.

Zorya: Turbaevskiy - Kiryukhantsev, Jordan, Batagov, Snurnitsin - Yatsik, Dryshlyuk, Mishnyov - Antyukh, Guerrero, Vantukh.

Reserves: Saputin, Zhilkin, Pain, Gulko, Khakhlyov, Suppurating, Alefirenko, Voloshin, Gorbach, Bugai, Churko, Michin.

Gra Slaviya - Zorya will wake up at 20:00 for the Kiev hour. Follow the text online broadcast on Football. ua.

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