Cesc Fabregas: what Wenger, Guardiola and Mourinho taught me

02 August 2023, 16:35 | Football
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Neumovirna rozpovid of the legendary engraver, who recently completed his career.

Updating 20 years of kar'єri on a greater equal with a small fear of checks of that day, if I happen to put boots on flowers.

Ale in coaching, I know my passion. Tse mushuє less to marvel at the cargo in a new way, and to rob the transition from life after the grie troch to the lungs.

I started thinking about those who would become a coach if I got 30 years. Three years later, I am engraved for Monaco, if quarantine has come through coronavirus. In France, the league stumbled. Raptom, I leaned back to the house, looming at a rich free hour. I have spent several months at home, dedicating to myself the birth of a new one and the improvement of my garden.

I am richly marveling at football and I do it. I'm obsessed with thunder. Skin day I marvel at two or three matches. I analyzed the games that we played in Como. What would I have done, yakby be a coach? How my team played and how I reacted to the singing situation?

I try to call people who have been in Greece for a long time. My meta is to get the hang of it. I want to take ideas from people around me. Tse those by whom I am true.

At my car's engraving, I worked under the engraving of Arsene Wenger, Pep Guardioli, Jose Mourinho, Antonio Conte, Luis Aragones and Vicente del Bosque. I've been spared.

ARSEN LEAVING ME TO REASON WHICH LOOKING FORWARD - THE PRICE OF THE BEST THING OF THE PICKER. You are guilty of learning from any coach. Speaking with people, discussing, you can pick up ideas, both positive and negative. Deyakі coaches cheer up those that you would not cheer up yourself in your very situation. You are also guilty of learning what you cannot work!

As a coach, I care what the most important ones are, as you change your gravity to increase your football. I strongly believe in.

Now, if I think about the implementation of great ideas and methodology as a coach, a lot, a lot of speeches will come from Arsen. For me on the floor vin buv number one. I came to the Arsenal at 16 years, and from such a young age, taught me, and trusted me with the floor, to get to the team. Vіn zmusiv me to play football on a different level.

For the great fates at the club of the wines, having worked a lot over me - as if on my own, so collectively, in the middle of the team. Winning the best graves of the world and coming up with a number: the stench scanned the field 15-20 times, first take the ball.

If you want to be the best pivzahisnik, tse those that are necessary.

Winning on the fact that you want to move forward from the pivzakhist, and introducing the idea of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bhow to take the right position - open your body for the reception of the ball - it was the key. If you marvel back at the ball and curl up, or if you put it in the wrong place, you can’t marvel forward in any way - you won’t accept the ball with one dot or two.

PEP BUV AGGRESSIVE IN EXPLANATIONS, ALE TSE GOOD PRACTICE FROM Arsen like my obsession to marvel ahead. Vіn zmusiv me razumіt, scho tse best pіvzakhisnik.

If I myself trained the children, then saying to them myself: we need to attack the gates of the superman, where the axis needs to marvel. How do you get to reach? The task of the coach. Navchannya gravitov, yakі collapsed; how to marvel two, three, chotiri or five times.

One more rіch, which I learned from Arsen, tse those, naskolki importantly mothers are good at talking with graves.

Vіn bov tim, on whom you could rely. We knew that the new leader had a plan. You can trust you absolutely everything. Vіn zavzhdi b before you, like before your son. Tse vodchuttya, yak bulo at all gravitational. We trusted you in the field, and trusted us in the field.

pep buv the same. Accept in any way.

The stink to play football however, and їхні training were done with similar. If I spoke with Pep at Barcelona, \u200b\u200beven before I signed the contract, I told me what I want to see.

Come and play as if playing "

MOURINJU GRAVE IN MY ROOM IN A SPECIAL I'm engraved with Javi and Andres Inestoy in the national selection, and together with Leo Messi we all went through the youth system of Barcelona. Pep hotiv, sob I engraved just like that. I think, vin trusting that feeling, like viniklo between us and Leo. We have known for a long time and truly understood one of one; we have a good call.

Ale behind the character of Pep buv inshim. Arsen was friendly and close with graves, ale Pep was always on the vіdstanі. Vіn a moment bi buti trohi agressive in their explanations, ale tse pratsyuvalo.

The success of two such different characters shows that football needs to be yourself. You need to believe in those that you work, mothers, and pass on the information to your graves, personnel and.

Until the moment of my other change in England, everything was different. I came to the Arsenal, if I’m a little older, and Arsen developed me properly - I’m a yogo blue. Now in Chelsea Jose Mourinho, I'm a man.

Please help me; vin saying bi zі me today. Yogo manner of showing that I am one of the most important graves in the team. Tse bula insha dovira, lower mav with Arsen. Tse Bulo tight.

Grave with my mind like no one else has grave before, and I think that it would be better for me. I engraved good football under yoga education.

Following Mourinho in Chelsea with Antonio Conte. Conte was the coach, who worked with me most tactfully and physically.

From the point of view of tactics, I want to tell you how to work on the field. The last hour was good - we won the Premier League 2016/17 - but there were some shortcomings. It didn’t particularly motivate me.

I'm sure that my strength to be like my intuition on the field; know, de know the place at the right time. If you are on the field, the skin situation is to lie down in order to resist you. Stink instructed you to give you more money? The stinks attack from the right chi evil?

For me, it is impossible for me to say in football that gravity is the same. At the pvzakhist you need a mother dekilka solution, especially if you want to move forward. If the teams began to respect us, learn, understand, how we grieve, it became even more important for us to adapt. We only have one way.

The axis of why my idea of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bfootball is about helping me to help my graves buti yakomoga better in any situation. Tse is not easy. Tse will require a lot of time and self-confidence, individual roses, collective jurisprudence. But I wonder what the best way for a gravel is to feel strained on the floor.

At the national election, I also started growing, if I am so young. I debuted at 18. Luis Aragones gave me the opportunity to play in one of the best national elections in Spain. I will forever be vdyachny for tse.

I AM STILL YOUNG FOR COACHING. ME SLID BAGATO READ ME I already trusted and wanted, so I engraved so, like in Arsenal.

Tactfully, I am graver on the field. Number 8 or 10. Under yogo kerіvnitstvom I scored a lot of goals. Vіn gave me freedom, and I engraved my best football.

If Del Bosque comes, my role of the troch has changed. I was the twelfth grave.

We were a team, everyone knew one for a long time,. Vіn having created a strong group with rich values. Shorazu, if the problem is not a big one, he calmly intervenes and corrects.

Obviously, we had a good team. Ale Vicente is one of the quiet coaches who bring calm gravity to the training maidan. Namely, naskіlki kindly, like a relaxed wine, sensing us to feel.

Mi yogo was also valued like a person, like a coach.

ZVCHAYNO, PRACTICE TO THE PREMIER-LIZI — MRIYA SKIN GRAVEL AND TRAINER. I don't think that I know more than that, that engraved 20 years on the greatest equal. I know what a long project is for me. Less than 36. I'm still young, if the coaching work is on the right, I need to learn so much.

Wonderful speech in this sport, which robots believe in the fact that every day you can recognize new things. New systems, new ideas and new gravity with different capacities are being announced today. Tse beauty gri, I love yaku.

I need to learn the right things and sharpen myself with the people I need. People who want to practice and get better. Tse is more important for me than for a coach.

Obviously, you are always thinking about the future, and about those, de you are a coach. The best leagues: Spain, Germany, Italy, France, and, most importantly, skin gravel and coaches – practice in the Premier League. I'm constantly trying to go step by step. I practice styles, I can skils, I analyze, I can skils, I recognize, I can skils.

We will need to be pampered, where will you bring me tomorrow. And if the opportunity comes, I want to cook.

For materials - Coaches Voice.

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