Ronaldo breaking Gerd Muller's record for headers in official matches

01 August 2023, 12:50 | Football
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For the Portuguese forward tse buv 145 header in official matches.

An-Nasr in the match of the Club Cup of the Arab Champions won Monastir (4:1).

An-Nasr's striker Cristiano Ronaldo scored with a header in this match.

For information Goal. com, for the 38-year Portuguese tse buv 145 header goals in official matches, and the price of a new world football record.

Behind the cim showcase Ronaldo was the German forward Gerd Muller, who scored 144 balls with his head. Spaniard Carlos Santillana - 125 goals scored.

Let's guess, Ronaldo is playing for An-Nasr from September 2023, and his contract from the Saudi Funding Club until 2025.

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