Man City win Bayern in a friendly match

26 July 2023, 20:22 | Football
Баварія - Манчестер Сіті, GETTY IMAGES
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P_dop_chn_ Pep Guardioli in a friendly match, which, having passed in Japan, beat Bayern with a fluff - 2: 1.

On the 21st anniversary, the 20th pvzakhistnik of the City, James Maket, scored a goal. Matis Tel zrivnyav rahunok prikintsі zustrіchі, prote 4 whilini before the end of the main hour Laporte virvav I will win for my team.

The upcoming match for the “Mistans” will be Zustrich with Atletico Madrid. Bayern play with the Japanese Kawasaki Frontale.

Bayern 1-2 Manchester City Goals: Tel 81 - Maketi 21, Laporte 86.

Earlier it was reported that Manchester City was working on a new contract for Ake.

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