Kryvbas rented Bliznichenko from Dynamo

24 July 2023, 13:55 | Football
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The 20th pivzakhist will be honored at the Crooked Rose.

Viktor Bliznichenko became a grave member of Kryvbas, having shown the official website of the team.

The grave was rented from Kiev Dynamo in a line for one river with the right to buy. Vіn protecting the colors of the chosen Ukrainian of different age categories: U-15, U-16, U-17.

" And it’s not the first time, if a football player from Dynamo Kiev comes to us.

We hope that Bliznichenko will progress not less, but more more, Nazar Voloshin. And for the second time we have the function of paying for the contract engraving at Dynamo after the completion of the lease. We can’t help but rejoice, the function of cooperating Dynamo, which is already a precedent in Ukrainian football,"

Viktor Bliznichenko made his debut at the warehouse of Kryvbas at the Transcarpathian training camp, having won at ten control matches. Grave brother Andriy Bliznichenko. Win 7 matches against Yunatska Lіzі UEFA.

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