Mourinho is looking forward to choosing Romi transfer Morati

24 July 2023, 12:31 | Football
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Іpansky striker showing impudently consuming the Portuguese.

The flow of the summer transfer season is a little bit of the future Spanish striker Alvaro Morati, which is the last river of proving near the gravity of Atletico Madrid.

The 30th anniversary is trying to lure the Milanese Inter to itself, but Roma does not let the “serpents” monotonously create this transition.

As it was said earlier in the week, the housekeeping was already achieved.

However, the appearance of "

For an hour, the head coach of the team, Jose Mourinho, does not give the club a calm turn, in fact, he wins more money, but Morata does not get to Inter.

Over the last season, Alvaro played 45 matches, scoring 15 goals and providing three assists.

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