Okafor to move to Milan

21 July 2023, 21:35 | Football
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Klubi domovilis pro transfer switzerland.

Milan has reached the principle of homeownership with Salzburg for the transfer of striker Noah Okafor. Amount in stock 13-15 million euros. Let's talk about Fabrizio Romano.

For information from dzherel, the medical examiner of the 23-river grave is scheduled for Saturday, 22 lime. The football player waited for all the details of the new contract. It seems that the head coach of Milan Stefano Pioli asked to buy Okafor another ink of the past fate.

In the past season, the Swiss played 32 matches in all tournaments, scoring 5 goals, 3 of the champions in Lisa, and 3 assists.

Likewise, Liverpool and Manchester City chimed in with Okafor.

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