Vidal: You will fetch the best Vidal, whom you have ever bred here, near Brazil

15 July 2023, 17:15 | Football
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Pivzahisnik commented on his arrival to the new team.

Ahead of the day's announcement, Chilean player Arturo Vidal announced the Brazilian domestic transfer to the side of Flamengo and Atletico Paraenense.

Dosvіdcheny 36-year-old vykonavets, at the car'єri boules played for Colo-Colo, Baєr, Juventus, Bavaria, Barcelona and Inter, after the transition he shared his best points.

" I feel wonderful. This new stage of my life will be the best.

I got a lot of things from my car, but in me I have a lot of dreams. I want to continue my remagi until I retire. І this transfer is even more important for my sponsors: continue the fight for the Copa Libertadores, continue to win titles, then.

If the people from Atletico spoke to me, the stench made me feel the same way, like if I pinned my steps for the choice of Chile.

I have little ambition and ambition to achieve important achievements in my team, so I always think in great categories that I want to get those that I didn’t reach in any way.

I am a friend of the great teams of the football world, but my anger in the face of sportsmen from Atletico Paranaense was named. For me, it was insanely obvious that it was so great that the light is not yet big.

Chotir values \u200b\u200bof this team are also my most important characteristics: innovation, intransigence, ambition and pomp. That's why we so quickly reached homeliness, "

In this season of Brazilian football, Vidal won 25 matches, scoring two assists.

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