Metalist rented near the Carpathians Fastov

12 July 2023, 18:49 | Football
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Vorotar came to the Lviv club.

Goalkeeper Karpaty 25-year-old Dmytro Fastov spent the coming season as a loanee from Kharkiv Metalist. About tse tell on the official website of lvivyan.

" - In the Carpathians, I took a good note, tse bov garny rik. I wish the lads of vikonati to come and visit the Premier League. I cheer for the Carpathians and I support that I will turn to the team for a year"

Let's guess, offended teams in the upcoming season will play in the First League of Ukraine.

Tim an hour Minaj signed the central brewer Sergiy Panasenko, the rights belonged to the Kharkiv Metalist.

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