Kane can earn ?400,000 a day to lose money from Tottenham

11 July 2023, 16:06 | Football
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In front of Harry, she planned a zustrіch with head coach Anze Postekoglu.

London Tottenham striker Harry Kane can take away even a larger contract, which means he will be left at the Spurs warehouse. About tse tell The Telegraph.

For information dzherel, kerіvnitstvo "

It means that Kane is not so important financially please - the football player wants to know for sure that the team can lay claim to serious success.

In front of Garry, she planned a strike with head coach Anzhe Postekoglu, for which it is possible, the share of the forward of the chosen England.

Earlier it was reported that Tottenham are not going to accept the proposition of Bavaria like Kane at the cost of 80 million euros.

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