On the battlefield against the Russian Federation, having perished the Vikhovanian of the Carpathians Barchyshyn

11 July 2023, 12:46 | Football
photo football.ua
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The war against the country-terrorist continues to take away life from the football field.

On the war against the Russian army, having perished the vikhovanets of the Lviv Carpathians Hryhoriy Barchyshyn. The press service of the Lviv Football Association tells about it.


Following the attack of the Russians by one of the first volunteers at the territorial defense of Kiev and nevdovz, he came to the ZSU lavas. It's a pity, fathers, the squad and the little blue did not get yogo from the battlefield.

Eternal and light memory of the Hero! Vislovlyuєmo deeply sympathetic to the motherland and loved ones of the perished Warrior! "

It is appointed that the funeral of the Hero will be held this year, 11 lime, about 15:00 at the Garrison Church of Saints Peter and Paul.

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