The match between Malta and Ukraine at the match at Euro-2024 will be held at Ta-Kali

11 July 2023, 12:16 | Football
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The duel with Malta will pass on July 17.

The match of the group stage for the selection of EURO-2024 between the teams of Malta and Ukraine will be held at Ta-Kali. The press service of the UAF tells about it.

The match, scheduled for 17 July, will be held at the National Stadium, which accommodates close to 17 thousand spectators. Tse is the main stadium of the country.

Let's guess, our upcoming match of the Ukrainian team will be held against England, after which Italy will. Offended matches will be at the Vernes.

So far, Ukraine has scored 6 points after three Igors and sitting in another place in Group C. In the first place, England (4 gris and 12 points), and Italy won the top three (2 matches and three points). Farther to go Pivnichna Macedonia (3) and Malta (0).

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