Bavaria can sign Clouds

10 July 2023, 00:40 | Football
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You can change the team.

David De Gea voicing about leaving Manchester United, his contract ended at the beginning of this month.

Manchester United is approaching to please the signing of Andre Onani as a replacement for De Gea, and the Milanese Inter pragne to sign Jan Sommer, so that the result will strengthen its goalkeeper's ability.

Like Sommer to deprive Munich of Bavaria, the stench will be the noise of a new goalkeeper, and, after the words of MD, one of the options, which stench is looking at, is Jan Oblak.

The 30th football player is the undisputed number one in Atletico. The new one has a clausula about the cost of 120 million euros in the amount of 120 million euros, for example, ymovirno, "

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