Riko lean more lower by 20 kg and more risky not to turn on the field

09 July 2023, 16:33 | Football
photo football.ua
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The career of the Spanish goalkeeper stumbled under a serious threat.

The goalkeeper of PSG Sergio Rico, who was transferred to someone after an unfortunate fall into retirement, is risking to complete his professional career. Let's talk about The Athletic.

For the information of Dzherel, the 29-th river of Spain through the sprat of tizhniv will be written out of the liquor, prote through the whole situation of wines, having consumed more and less 20 kg. Improvement of the skin tone of the wines by eating close to 30% of the m'azovoy mass.

It is said that through such words Riko cannot turn to the professional level of performances.

Nagadayemo, the PSG goalkeeper took off a serious craniocerebral injury after a fall from a horse. 19 days.

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