KDK UAF blamed for the scandalous match between Shakhtar vs Dnipro-1

06 July 2023, 23:50 | Football
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Winnie took the punishment early.

The Control and Disciplinary Committee of the Ukrainian Football Association punished the participants of the fight against the match of the 29th round of the UPL between Shakhtar and Dniprom-1.

Disqualification was taken away by Shakhtar's gravy and gravy from Dnipro-1. So insulting the club and paying a fine.

\; Yaroslav Rakіtskyi in participation in 4 (chotiri) matches; Viktor Kornienko with participation in 4 (chotiri) matches; Anatoliy Trubina, who took part in 4 (chotiri) matches, 2 (two) mental matches, as well as goiter in FC Shakhtar (Donetsk);


– after finishing the materials on the irregular behavior of the football players of Dnipro-1 (Dnipro) at the hour of the match of the 29th round of the UPL against Shakhtar (Donetsk), which happened on May 28, 2023, by: Ronald Albert Matarritu Ulate and on the; Martyns Peglow Joao Gabriel with participation in 4 (chotiri) matches; Vitaliy Fedoriva with participation in 4 (chotiri) matches; Oleksiy Hutsulyaka, who took part in 4 (chotiri) matches, as well as goiter in SC "

Guessing. earlier it was reported that SC Dnipro-1 asked for a rebate for a beat in the match with Shakhtar.

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