Enrique: PSG will have a miracle team and reach great success

05 July 2023, 23:58 | Football
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The mentor of the Parisians shared his thoughts after being recognized by the French club.

PSG head coach Luis Enrique commenting on his recognition from the French club at the debut press conference near Paris.

" I'm wondering what I can do to turn it around with the highest rank.

The PSG project is good for people to invest in people. We want to play football, which is suitable for football players, but bring us the result in front of us. PSG is guilty of a great pragmatism, and I can’t reach out, learn a new language, create a new country for myself and take care of my staff. Tse spіvrobіtniki, from which I have been practicing for a long time. Tse young people, yakі mayut already high rіvenі і yakі still want to progress. We are far away from meeting with a lot of people from the club.

We have already started work on the warehouse. By stretching all my careers, I am good luck with sports directors. For the rest of the week, we were able to exchange a lot of thoughts, and we’ll wait for you, that we have a working force and we still have a transfer window. I'm sorry that we will have a wonderful team and we can achieve great success.

Any transfers of this year - I want to take advantage of the decision, get my own gravity on training. We are entering a new era, we are tied to what style we attack, and we want the players to be satisfied with the review of their teams.

My philosophy is to move forward. We are guilty of pidlashtovuvatsya under graves, as we have є, and vychavlyuvat from them a maximum. And my meta is to play attacking football, for which the team prevails. We will have a wonderful team, we want, so that the players were written by us. We all work together to create a wonderful team, and I know that it is not easy, but we can create synergy, work together.

Robot with gravel - all my everyday robot. For my part, I will play in Real Madrid or Barcelona, \u200b\u200band then, as a coach in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI will have a lot of stars. Gravtsі sensible, stink to know that we are ready to help them. And if the stench is mindful, the stench will interact with you as a whole. We are guilty of giving them a scene to sit.

PSG may be a great training center, which stench has invested a lot of money. The young graves were spared buti here.

I should lean on the juveniles, and I will learn from them, I will marvel at them. I should give a game hour to the young, as if they want to achieve success.

I need a vice, my powerful robot. Dozens of teams, like dreaming about the biggest trophies. Some of them have more knowledge, others have less, but we can be ambitious and want to perform on the surface, especially if we have this wonderful training center,"

Previously, the president of PSG commented on the future striker Kilian Mbappe.

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