Ceballos close to extending Real Madrid contract

31 May 2023, 14:12 | Football
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Pіvzakhisnik get rid of in Madrid on chotiri rocky.

The central player of Real Madrid Daniel Ceballos, after the transfer from the Sevilla Betis vletka in 2017 for 16.5 million euros, without becoming a stable main player at the Galacticos warehouse.

Somehow, the favor of the capital’s team achieved completion like the season, but in the rest of the hour, the number, and productivity, yogo, having appeared on the football field, grew up, which in the bag brought up to the cob of shifts between the parties to a new contract.

This process is quite collapsible, even though the representatives of the 26-river gravel have repeatedly raised their claims to the minds of the minds, as if they had spoken to their client Real.

However, regardless of the price, the Spanish press confirms that the parties have reached homelessness, so in the next hour Daniel may sign a new favor in the line until 2027.

In the current season, Ceballos played 45 matches, scoring one ball and giving nine assists.

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